Thursday, 17 September 2009

10 Myths About Men’s Hair - The Well-Groomed Male - Your Look - MSN Lifestyle

10 Myths About Men’s Hair - The Well-Groomed Male - Your Look - MSN Lifestyle: "10 Myths About Men’s Hair

Men's Hair Myths

There are almost as many myths about hair as there are about sex. And why not? Your hair is one of the first things people notice about you. Hair has been an expression of every man's identity since Samson met Delilah. And while some men take their hair for granted (until it's gone), your hair says a lot about your health, grooming and personal style.

So maybe it's time to debunk some of the myths about men's hair. For example, can you really 'train' your hair to do what you want? Does cutting your make it grow faster? Is dandruff contagious? You'll find answers to these questions and more, as we uncover the truth about a few of the most common men's hair myths.

Myth #1: Cutting your hair makes it grow faster.

Fact: How often you cut your hair has no effect on how fast it grows. If it did, women would carry scissors all the time. Hair is essentially protein and the hair shaft is not alive, which mean there are no nerves in your hair (if there were, you'd be saying 'ouch' about more than the cost of your cut). Your hair doesn't know it's being cut, so it grows at its own pace, which for most people is about half an inch per month (slightly faster in summer due to increased metabolic activity).

Poor diet, illness and hormone changes can slow hair growth, however. So if you want your hair to grow at its optimal rate, eat healthy, get plenty of sleep, and see your doctor for regular medical checkups.

Myth #2: Split ends can be repaired.

Fact: The only fix for split ends is a healthy trim. When the end of a hair shaft splits, it's because the shaft has been damaged -- by sun, excessive dryness, chemical processes, chlorinated pools or rough handling, like tugging a comb through tangled hair or brushing when it's wet. And despite fantastic hair product claims, there's no way to paste those ends back together. Cut them off and vow to do better next time: shampoo and condition regularly, protect your hair from damaging sun and chemicals, detangle gently, and get regular haircuts to remove dry ends.

Myth #3: You can train your hair to grow in a different pattern.

Fact: That cowlick is part of you, like your height and your sense of humor. Hair follicles grow in an established pattern, and there's not much you can do to change things. Of course, with enough product and a blow dryer you can get your hair to do almost anything, but it's only temporary. Best advice for cowlicks, swirls and other hair anomalies? Work with your stylist to find a look that highlights your best features and downplays the ones you don't like.

Myth #4: Certain shampoos can make hair grow faster.

Fact: That's -- pardon the expression -- hogwash. There's no scientific evidence that shampoo will make your hair grow faster. For most people, hair grows about half an inch a month, and staying healthy will help your hair grow to its potential (see Myth #1). Keeping your hair clean, conditioned, and well-cut will help make the most of your locks, and if you want a bit more body, look for products that leave a coating on hair to give the impression of added thickness.

Myth #5: Dandruff is contagious.

Fact: While some forms of dandruff are very common, none of the causes of dandruff are contagious. Many people are plagued by flaky scalps in winter, when indoor air is especially dry. Seborrheic dermatitis (cradle cap in infants), sensitivity to yeast, diet deficiencies, and stress are also common causes of dandruff. And a fungus called malassezia, which we all have, flares up in some people to cause severe dandruff. If you have dandruff, see a dermatologist for accurate diagnosis and treatment, but don't worry. Whether you suffer from dandruff depends on a lot of different factors, but you can't 'catch' dandruff from other people.

Myth #6: Men inherit baldness from their mother's side of the family.

Fact: You can stop blaming your mother for your receding hairline. Baldness is hereditary, but it results from a combination of genes and hormones that can come from either your mother or father or both. If you really want to place blame, point your finger at androgen hormones, including testosterone, which increase beard and underarm hair follicles during puberty but may shrink hair follicles later in life. Those pesky androgens can cause baldness in women, too.

Myth #7: Wearing tight hats causes hair loss.

Fact: Tight hats may damage your hair, but they won't make you go bald. True story: I adopted a homeless cat who had been wearing a collar since he was a kitten. The collar was so tight it had to be cut off, and for the rest of his life he had a bald ring around his neck. To achieve this for yourself, you'd have to wear a painfully tight hat, continuously, for years, in order to kill the hair follicles on your scalp. So don't worry about hats.

But while we're on the subject, let's clear up another myth: Hats do not hide baldness. If you wear hats for all occasions because you're embarrassed about balding, all you'll do is make people wonder what you're trying to hide. Bald is cool (ask Bruce Willis).

Myth #8: Brushing your hair is good for it.

Fact: This one is sort of true, but only up to a point. Our great-grandmothers probably heard that brushing their hair 100 strokes every night would make it lustrous, but it doesn't. A bit of brushing can help to distribute oil from your scalp to the ends of your hair, and that's a good thing. But excessive brushing just damages hair, and this is especially true for longer hair. Use a brush to style your hair, then put the brush away.

Myth #9: Hair can turn gray overnight.

Fact: Only in old horror movies does hair change overnight. Want proof? Ask anyone who's tried to let hair color grow out naturally -- it takes a long time. Fun fact: Scientists say that rather than being a color, gray hair is actually transparent because it has lost its color due to a buildup of hydrogen peroxide in the body, among other factors. But no matter the cause, this process happens over time. Not overnight.

Myth #10: Pluck one gray hair and two grow back.

Fact: If this were true, it could be the cure for baldness. The fact is, you are only allotted so many hair follicles and so many strands of hair. Pulling your hair out doesn't add follicles, and it won't give you more hair than you started with. But constant pulling could damage the follicles permanently and leave you with less, not more.

Sharon O'Brien is a freelance writer in Portland, Oregon, who has learned to like her curly hair. She doesn't own a hairbrush.

More from MSN Lifestyle Site Search: For additional content on men's hair, click here."

Wednesday, 16 September 2009





Monday, 10 August 2009




Thursday, 6 August 2009



The 120 x 85 x 75 cm size piece of furniture is composed of eight different modules, which are connected by an interlocking
construction system to form a rectangular object. Drawn up in a reduced style, the compact body of the Transformers can be
expanded through the active use of the drawer elements, simultaneously revealing the open inner structure.
There are overall 20 different possibilities to insert elements in different sizes. The harmonised arrangement of shelf areas,
recesses and lateral notches offers a maximal effective area of the modules, which are assimilated to standardised measure-
ments. The cumulative height of the object, for example, corresponds to the dimensions of a worktable, while the drawer slots
are in accordance with DIN. With a potential extended size of up to 3,7 meters per side the Transformer not only functions as
a fluid shelving system, as a free-standing piece of furniture with a levitating character it can also serve as a partition.

in the exhibition "Vertrautes Terrain - Contemporary Art in and about Germany "-> Vertrautes Terrain -> ZKM

Technical support by NSK Linear Guides
photos Oliver Wrobel & Bianca Elmer, text Christina Irrgang & Zoe Miller
© 2009 Martin Saemmer

Sunday, 2 August 2009

From SHE in China - Holiday haven

Monday, August 3, 2009

Holiday haven

What a week I’ve had. In a rental car we went through parts of Finland that I didn’t even know existed: picturesque little villages made up by lakes and islands that look as if they have been taken out of a story book. Got to love the beauty of this country and being so close to nature and fresh air. Summer, sunshine and an average of 24 degrees (forget about the humidity –heaven!) didn’t make matters worse. I swam every day (in all kinds of lakes, in case you didn’t know, Finland is known for being ‘the home of thousands lakes’ even though Sweden actually has got a bigger number of lakes), enjoyed picnics in the sun, walks in the forest and cute little boat cruises on boats that could have been taken out of a movie. It was truly wonderful. Now, however, I’m back at work and I feel completely out of touch with what’s been going on in the world while I’ve been ‘gone.’ That’s what no computer/ no email/ no phone/ no newspapers (sure, could have gone and bought some but deliberately chose to be ignorant enough not to) does to you.

I haven’t spoken a word of Chinese in 2 weeks. Yikes. Scary how fast you forget recent vocabulary. I realized the change when I was catching some sun on the pier the other day, and tried to make up a sentence in Chinese in my head (one of my odd hobbies nowadays) and couldn’t think of the word for ‘destiny’ (a simple word as 命运 that I learned ages ago!). So frustrating! Fortunately, it eventually came to me, but still… I already fear how my first few weeks at the new university are going to go… Oh well, you win some and you lose some. I guess that I too have to realize that you cannot have the cookie (spend a summer in Scandinavia) and eat it (improve my Mandarin/not forget my Mandarin) at the same time.

Some pictures from Savonlinna and the surrounding nature where we spend the beginning of the week:

Japanese Vs HongKongese 香港男人同日本男人有何分別 / 香港女人同日本女人責任上有何分別

托K小姐既福 我們一行六條女星期五晚上 舉行了一個 "暢飲會"
香港女生*2 + 日本女生*4

大家應該估到 三個女人一個墟 [兩個墟]會係幾咁 "墟�"

I. 男人
II. 美容


關於男人, 一眾日本妹未去過香港 好想知道香港男人同日本男人有何分別 / 香港女人同日本女人責任上有何分別, 以下是日本女生對日本男生的投訴:

1) SHOPPING時從不比錢及幫女朋友提東西
2) 拍拖之後不能有任何異性朋友 不能跟其他男生出街甚至食LUNCH, SEND SMS 及通電話
3) 示女朋友如阿四 但女人不能不服從他們的要求 (例如 番到屋企 講聲: 拎罐啤酒黎 要即刻拎 仲要幫佢加冰 留意佢是否滿意其溫度)


1) SHOPPING時比唔比錢係好個人 但大多數男朋友都會幫手拎野 (她們覺得嘩....好幸福...睇到依度係咪覺得佢地好易滿足
? 日本妹好正?)
2) 拍拖之後可以有自己圈子同朋友。 (男人可能覺得好爽 覺得依D係尊重 不過唔好唔記得 你地亦唔可以同任何女性朋友來往...還覺得爽嗎?)
3) 如果我地心情好好 又或者佢地態度好好 係佢既請求上加句THANK YOU會幫佢拎。不過對方最好係以感謝既心態去對待我地既尊重。換句話說, 日本男人係老馮, 香港男人唔敢太老馮。
(相信男生們都覺得日本妹係佢地夢寐以求既"老婆" 比起香港女生, 溫柔及服從度高到不得了。但你們有無諗深一層, 點解佢地咁得閒又咁願意滿足你地大男人既心態? 以下是我們的結論:

- 日本女人 普遍結婚就唔洗做, 老公成份糧比曬老婆(甚至有不少公司直接每個月過數去老婆戶口), 老婆反過來每日/一星期一次比零用錢老公洗。佢地既零用錢大約係如何定呢? 大概如下:
a) 老公份糧有幾甘
b) 每餐飯幾多錢 (老婆做愛心lunch者則比少D, 老公要求唔帶便當就比多D, 另額外應酬再作申請)
c) 老婆理財有幾叻 (一個唔覺意買左個名牌手袋 老公份零用就凍過水)

試問老婆唔洗做, 拎住你成份糧同D FD去梳乎/ SHOPPING, 你咁辛苦做野番到黎 拎杯合你要求既冰凍啤酒比你有幾難? 幫你MASSAGE埋又點話?

事實上間唔中 我奶奶都有d 師奶朋友黎痴餐, 一黎到就呻 "死啦 我琴日又忍唔住look左個Coach, 下個月還埋卡數...可能月中開始我老公就要每日帶飯啦....比佢知道又鬧啦....

II. 美容

愛美係女人既天性, 日本女生中 我最羨慕的 就係無論幾瘦都好 身材都有番咁上下 另外就是她們好白。 就此, 我地問了日本女生 吃什麼才可以有如此完美的身材。

她們不約而同說....日本女生才沒身材....只是我們的內衣設計比較花功夫! "我們日本的PAD很厚,你們香港沒厚PAD的PUSH-UP內衣嗎?

下...不是吧 為什麼我一直覺得日本女生的身材好?

日本女生說: 你完全誤會了 那是PAD的關係 下次一起去海邊 或溫泉 你便知道了 我們的內衣多數沒賣A CUP, 因為 A CUP 通常被變成B或C CUP 這樣穿衣服比較好看 ( well, i think i should go check out their underwear asap n cant wait to go to ONSEN with them)

另外皮膚白, 除了天生, 應該是她們從BB開始, 每個人都一直喝牛喝直至上小學為止有關。

男生們, 如果你們還是以娶日本妹為依歸 請努力賺錢。
娶日本妹的夢想是浪漫的 現實卻是殘酷的 須知道, 一份微薄既薪水兩份洗係幾咁可憐, 主權係老婆身上 更是可憐中的可憐。

女生們, 如果工作得太累, 不仿考慮一下嫁給傳統的日本人 =]

PS: DASH不是傳統日本人...

Friday, 31 July 2009

Anglo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anglo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Anglo

The term Anglo is used as a prefix to indicate a relation to the Angles, England or the English people, as in the terms Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-American, Anglo-Celtic, Anglo-African and Anglo-Indian. It is often used alone, somewhat loosely, to refer to people of British Isles descent in The Americas, Australia and Southern Africa. It is also used, both in English-speaking and non-English-speaking countries, to refer to Anglophone people of other European origins.

Anglo is a Late Latin prefix used to denote English- in conjunction with another toponym or demonym. The word is derived from Anglia, the Latin name for England, and still the modern name of its eastern region. Anglia and England both mean Land of the Angles, a Germanic people originating in the north German peninsula of Angeln.

Anglo is not a technical term.[citation needed] There are linguistic problems with using the word as an adjective or noun on its own. For example, the o in Anglo means and (Anglo-Saxon means of Angle and Saxon origin), so there is only an apparent parallelism between, for example, Latino and Anglo. However, a semantic change has taken place in many English-speaking regions so that in informal usage the meanings listed below are valid.

* 1 Specialized usage
o 1.1 Australia
o 1.2 Canada
o 1.3 Israel
o 1.4 New Zealand
o 1.5 Scotland
o 1.6 Southern Africa
o 1.7 United States
* 2 References
* 3 See also

[edit] Specialized usage

[edit] Australia
Main article: Anglo-Celtic Australian

In Australia, 'Anglo' is used as part of the terms Anglo-Australian and Anglo-Celtic, which refer to the majority of Australians, who are of English and/or Scottish, Welsh or Irish descent.[1]

[edit] Canada

In Canada, and especially in Canadian French, the term anglophone is widely used to designate someone whose everyday language is English, as contrasted to francophone whose everyday language is French and allophones, those with a different mother tongue. In Quebec, the word refers to English-speaking Quebecers in both English and French. Anglo-Metis is also sometimes used to refer to a historical ethnic group.

[edit] Israel

Immigrants from English-speaking countries are sometimes referred to as Anglo-Saxonim, and now sometimes shortened to Anglo.[2] However this term is problematic, as it lumps together immigrants from the diverse cultures of the United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa, the USA and Canada under one apparently culturally homogeneous umbrella and assumes a common interest based on language and an undefined 'Anglo-Saxon' culture.

[edit] New Zealand

Anglo in New Zealand refers to anyone who is of British Isles (Anglo-Celtic) ancestry, although the more popular term for them, as well as for any New Zealander of European origins, is Pākehā, a Maori term used by the indigenous Polynesian people.

[edit] Scotland
Main article: Anglo-Scot

In Scotland the term Anglo-Scot, often shortened to 'Anglo', is used to refer to people born in England with Scottish ancestry, or people born in Scotland with English ancestry.

[edit] Southern Africa
Main article: Anglo-African

In South Africa, Anglo-South African[citation needed] is used for predominantly British-descended, English-speaking white people, who are contrasted with the Dutch-descended Afrikaners. Use of Anglo occurs elsewhere in former British colonies in Africa which have sizable British communities, including Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, and Kenya. However, the term 'Anglo' is more heavily used in South Africa than in these other countries because of Apartheid and the importance it placed on race.[citation needed]

[edit] United States
Main article: Anglo-America

In the United States, Anglo is used, particularly by certain Hispanics, primarily of Mexican descenet, to refer, incorrectly, to white Americans who are not of Hispanic or Latino origin, and sometimes to those who are not of French origin.[3] The term is used without regard to whether or not they are of English, Irish, or Scottish descent."

LLW Wants You!

Write For Lost Laowai

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Twenty-Something's Thoughts of Everything: What is a soul mate?

Twenty-Something's Thoughts of Everything: What is a soul mate?: "'People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life.
A true soul mate is probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then leave.
A soul mates purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life, then introduce you to your spiritual master...'
— Elizabeth Gilbert, from Eat, Pray, Love"


Englishtown: Ten tips to build English vocabulary

Feeling overwhelmed trying to memorize so many vocabulary words? It doesn't need to be a daunting task! Check out these top strategies and practical pointers that can help you build your word power!

Connect: It's easier to memorize words based on a common theme. Make your own connections between words and possibly organize them in a spider diagram.

Write: Practically using vocabulary can help it stick in your mind. Write sentences with new vocabulary words or compose a story using a group of words or expressions.

Draw: Expose the artist in you by drawing pictures related to the words you study. Your drawings can help trigger your memory in the future.

Act: Get your moves on by acting out words and expressions you learn. Or, imagine and act out a situation where you would need to use them.

Create: Design flashcards in English and study them in your spare time. Each week make new ones, but continue to review all of them.

Associate: Assign different colors to different words. This association will help you recall vocabulary later.

Listen: Think about other words which sound similar to the words you're learning, especially complex words. Associate the other words with this new word to help you remember the pronunciation.

Choose: Remember that topics that interest you will be easier to learn. Therefore, carefully select words that you will find useful or interesting. Even the process of making the choice is a memory aid!

Limit: Don't try to memorize the dictionary in a day! Limit yourself to 15 words per day, and you'll gain confidence instead of feeling overwhelmed.

Observe: Keep an eye out for the words you're studying when reading or listening to English"

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

13 Things Not to Share with Your Co-workers - Career Advice Article

It’s happened to everyone before. The constant flow of words that just keep coming, long after you’ve made your point (if there ever was one) and even longer after people stopped caring. The kind of gibberish that just won’t stop unless someone else starts talking. The type of chatter that inevitably ends with you wishing you’d put a sock in it.

Yes, verbal diarrhea is never a good thing – but it can be worse in some places more than others.

Like the workplace.

There are certain things co-workers need not know about each other – your baby-making plans and stomach issues, for example – but some folks just can’t seem to keep their mouths shut.

Some people talk to hear the sound of their own voice; others share because they don’t really have a life and, by revealing details you’d rather not know, they create the illusion of one, says Linda Lopeke, a career advancement expert and creator of SmartStart Virtual Mentoring Programs. “Then there is the person who believes gossip, even about them, creates instant emotional intimacy. It doesn’t.”

Walk the line

Because people spend more time at the office with co-workers than anywhere (or anyone) else, some workers have trouble drawing the line between business and friendship, says Susan Solovic, co-founder and CEO of, and author of three books, including “Reinvent Your Career: Attain the Success You Desire and Deserve.”

“It’s a social environment as well as a work environment. However, you must remember while you can be friendly and develop a good rapport, business is business and friendship is friendship.”

Most workers don’t realize that what they say has as much impact on their professional images as what they wear, Lopeke says. People who say too much, about themselves or others, can be seen as incompetent, unproductive and unworthy of professional development.

To avoid your next case of verbal diarrhea, here are 13 things to never share or discuss with your co-workers.

1. Salary information
What you earn is between you and Human Resources, Solovic says. Disclosure indicates you aren’t capable of keeping a confidence.

2. Medical history
“Nobody really cares about your aches and pains, your latest operation, your infertility woes or the contents of your medicine cabinet,” Lopeke says. To your employer, your constant medical issues make you seem like an expensive, high-risk employee.

3. Gossip
Whomever you’re gossiping with will undoubtedly tell others what you said, Solovic says. Plus, if a co-worker is gossiping with you, most likely he or she will gossip about you.

4. Work complaints
Constant complaints about your workload, stress levels or the company will quickly make you the kind of person who never gets invited to lunch, Solovic warns. If you don’t agree with company policies and procedures, address it through official channels or move on.

5. Cost of purchases
The spirit of keeping up with the Joneses is alive and well in the workplace, Lopeke says, but you don’t want others speculating on the lifestyle you’re living –or if you’re living beyond your salary bracket.

6. Intimate details
Don’t share intimate details about your personal life. Co-workers can and will use the information against you, Solovic says.

7. Politics or religion
“People have strong, passionate views on both topics,” Solovic says. You may alienate a co-worker or be viewed negatively in a way that could impact your career.

8. Lifestyle changes
Breakups, divorces and baby-making plans should be shared only if there is a need to know, Lopeke says. Otherwise, others will speak for your capabilities, desires and limitations on availability, whether there is any truth to their assumptions or not.

9. Blogs or social networking profile
What you say in a social networking community or in your personal blog may be even more damaging than what you say in person, Solovic warns. “Comments online can be seen by multiple eyes. An outburst of anger when you are having a bad day … can blow up in your face.”

10. Negative views of colleagues
If you don’t agree with a co-worker’s lifestyle, wardrobe or professional abilities, confront that person privately or keep it to yourself, Lopeke says. The workplace is not the venue for controversy.

11. Hangovers and wild weekends
It’s perfectly fine to have fun during the weekend, but don’t talk about your wild adventures on Monday, Solovic advises. That information can make you look unprofessional and unreliable.

12. Personal problems and relationships – in and out of the office
“Failed marriages and volatile romances spell instability to an employer,” Lopeke says. Office romances lead to gossip and broken hearts, so it’s best to steer clear. “The safest way to play is to follow the rule, ‘Never get your honey where you get your money.’”

13. Off-color or racially charged comments
You can assume your co-worker wouldn’t be offended or would think something is funny, but you might be wrong, Solovic says. Never take that risk. Furthermore, even if you know for certain your colleague wouldn’t mind your comment, don’t talk about it at work. Others can easily overhear.

Rachel Zupek is a writer and blogger for She researches and writes about job search strategy, career management, hiring trends and workplace issues.